Hourly Rate $ 10-15
Web Development is my preferred stack.
Country: Pakistan
Email: [email protected]
Discord Username: Dark Emperor
Whats App Number: +92 309 6070000
Languages: C C++ Python Java NodeJS React JavaScript ExpressJS Assembly Language (8088 Processor) Developer
Tools: Visual Studio Linux Visual Studio Code Github IntellijIDEA Postman Pycharm
General: Socket Programming Multi Threading Memory Management SQL DBs NoSQL DBs OOP Data Structures Operating Systems
FAST – National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences (NUCES) BS(CS) 08/2021 – 12/2023
Lahore Grammar School O & A Levels 08/2015 – 07/2020
Honeybee Haven – A web app aimed to
revolutionize the agriculture sector of
Pakistan by shifting their needs to an
online e-commerce for clients and
businesses alike
Hotel Management System – A web &
database project whose primary
purpose was to abate the operational
costs for a hotel, thereby improving
customer experience
Grand Prix Game – A vivid & robust
implementation of the famous racing
game in Assembly Language for 8088
processor spanning over 6,000 lines of
Cosmo – An ERP web project for a small
scale business which aimed to reduce
its managerial cost and improve its
efficiency as well as shifting their tasks
to an online scheduler
Places – A social media application for
users to post and share their favourite
locations & spots with their fellow